Primary through Middle School years

This stage of schooling is a formative time when students lay the groundwork for learning. The students’ academic skills are supported by a strong social and emotional foundation before they enter the more specialized years of high school, college and ultimately the workforce.


Our Primary School covers a period of five years during which the basic skills in all subjects are further enhanced and higher level skills are introduced to challenge students and stimulate their interest. Through our specially designed curriculum the students experience the joy of learning, gain a deep understanding of important concepts, learn to accept personal responsibility for actions, decisions, and outcomes and are guided by motivated, well-trained, and nurturing teachers. Our students understand the relationship between ethics and academics, are at ease with speaking, singing, acting, dancing, and performing before a group, can communicate in a open, honest and respectful manner and are able to appreciate differences between individuals and among cultures.


A rich and varied Extra Curriculum programme at NMIS which includes exchange programmes, educational trips and community service initiatives gives further impetus to the learning experience.


Our Learning to Learn approach to teaching promotes critical thinking and creativity, encourages research based classroom transactions and teaches respect for individual differences.


The programme is designed to match learning styles and integrates technology in the classroom even while fostering a respect for culture and tradition and inculcating a sense of social responsibility.

The essential areas of formal learning the curriculum focuses on are:
• Languages
• Mathematics
• Science
• Social Studies
• Art & Design
• Music
• Physical Education
