Dr. Suresh Rana & Mrs. Anuradha Rana
I consider it an honor and privilege to write this for New Millennium School, an insight into Education today reveals the change that has taken over in the Teaching -Learning processes in the schools, in the recent past.
With the passage of time, Education delivery and the methods of Teaching have been aligned and modeled to suit individual students needs in the class. This has led to a stress-free and a much more productive approach on part of the educators too.
A safe and secure environment for the student, Curriculum that is designed in consultation with globally acclaimed Educators, a dedicated Team of the Trained teachers along with the zeal to serve our Society are the motivational forces at the heart of New Millennium School.
Our vision is to incorporate the Best of the Teaching-learning methods in the classrooms and strive to groom a child’s holistic persona, thereby I mean Academic excellence combined with the Life-skills and no lesser the Values which form the fabric of rich Indian heritage.
We at New Millennium School, work in tandem with the latest in the field of Education across the world and thereby assure you of the best your child can get in the School.