In order to prepare our children to face the real world and deal with the challenges of tomorrow, we think differently. We believe that every child has many ways to learn and learn and that we need to create innovative places to make that happen.


NMIS is a striking example of a new educational environment designed by an architect to achieve uncommon result. Our main focus is to excel in Science and Mathematics, as a founder Mr. Suresh Rana who is gold medalist in mathematics and his contribution is remarkable towards our society, he will be mentoring our teachers.

Small Size Classrooms
Research shows that children do better and excel in smaller groups. Therefore, we limit classroom strength to 25 yet keeping the work space for each student at 1.5 square metre, large enough to carry out multiple interactions for learning.


Spaces for Multiple Learning Styles
The school offers exploration rooms, discovery zones, activity rooms and learning spaces and smaller class rooms along with multiple labs and resources centres.
Extended School
Initial school is starting from Toddlers to Grade 5, and extending till 12th standard and offers programmes that will enrich student experiences in community living; self-enhancement opportunities through structured study support and specialized exposure to sports, music, dance, fine arts, public speaking, and leadership training.

With a mesmerizing view of hills and river, it has 13 rooms with separate washrooms for girls and boys, one well-established library, one computer lab, and a laboratory. For the safety of students and school premises, 18 CCTV cameras have been installed.

Collaborative Learning
Classrooms are furnished with ergonomic furniture that can be rearranged to facilitate group learning. Collaborative learning provides students with more than just the opportunity to students to reinforce their own knowledge and skill through working with others as they support and, in turn, are supported by their partners or teammates.


Group learning also encourages the development of NMIS Leadership qualities of teamwork, cooperation. Communication, conflict-management, trust and other important social skills that enhances the classroom environment and makes it more positive and vibrant.


IT Goes Everywhere
ICT Infra structure at NMIS reflects the Next-Generation Technologies for Next Generation Learning. Adequate digital learning resources makes schooling at NMIS an empowering experience as we our students, teachers, administrator and parents ready for the future.
We offer hot kitchen for our students and also cold and purify drinking water in our campus




Language I

Language II


Science & Technology

Work education or Pre-Vocational Education

Art Education

Physical and Health Education

Check out our premises